[Chickering Hall.]
Chickering Hall 5 Av and 18 St. North
Chickering & Sons New Piano Warerooms & Music Hall
[James T. Fields at Chickering Hall.]
Fifth Avenue and 18th Street [Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue & 21st Street]
[Best & Company delivery wagons.]
[Gansevoort Street.]
Chickering Hall - 5 Ave - 17 Str. N.Y.
Concert Under the Auspices of the Dry Goods Mutual Benefit Association
Aisle Cars [Hall's Addition Street Railway streetcar, Main & 14th Streets and Park Avenue.]
[Cooper Square.]
[Lord and Taylor Building, 19th Street and Fifth Avenue.]
Closed Cars [No. 106 streetcar, DeKalb Avenue to Broadway, City Hall.]
27-29 West 57th Street. Chickering Hall
[Caswell Massy and Co. Drug Store, 5th Avenue and 25th Street.]
Fourth Avenue [Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue & 21st Street]