[Polo Grounds, 155th Street and 8th Avenue.]
[View Polo Grounds from 155th Street.]
West 155th Street and Eighth Avenue. Polo Grounds. Entrance turnstiles
West 155th Street and Eighth Avenue. Polo Grounds. Entrance and ticket booths
[Terminus of the 8th Avenue Elevated Railroad, 155th Street and 8th Avenue.]
[Harlem River from 155th Street and 8th Avenue.]
Eighth Avenue and 155th Street [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
[8th Avenue and 130th Street.]
[The Polo Grounds.]
Polo Grounds, New York.
[Interior of the Polo Grounds.]
[Polo Grounds.]
[Elevated train tracks at 149th Street and 8th Avenue.]
[8th Avenue and 110th Street.]
[Baseball game at the Polo Grounds.]