[Unitarian Church of All Souls.]
[All Souls Church, 4th Avenue and 20th Street.]
The New Church
East 20th Street and Fourth Avenue. All Souls Unitarian Church. View to show disintegrating marble
East 80th Street and Lexington Avenue. All Souls Unitarian Church
All Souls Church [Episcopal]
86-88 St. Nicholas Avenue. All Souls Church
Wall Street and Broadway. Trinity Church. Interior, All Souls Chapel
All Angels Protestant Episcopal Church. Chancel.
Calvary Church Dr. Rainford, 21 St., 4 Ave.
All Souls Unitarian Church, 80th Street and Lexington Avenue.
[Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church, northwest corner of 4th Avenue and 22nd Street.]
[Northwest corner of 4th Avenue and 20th Street.]
[Wedding of Edith Cooper and Lloyd Stephens Bryce.]
West 10th Street and Fifth Avenue. Church of Ascension. All Souls chapel entrance
All Saints Church, Madison Avenue and 129th St. New York.
4th Avenue at the S.W. corner of East 20th Street. Chas. Schoolhouse and Son Building.