[Victory Arch at Madison Square.]
Victory Arch, Madison Square, 24th St., Exterior, Four Columns and Arch.
Victory Arch
Victory Arch, Madison Square, New York City.
Victory Arch & Colonnade, Madison Square N.Y.C.
Victory Arch, Madison Square and 25th Street
World War I, Victory Celebration Scenes.
Victory Arch, Madison Square N.Y.C.
The Arch of Victory, Madison Square New York.
Victory Arch, Broadway and Fifth Ave., N. Y.
Victory Arch New York 1919.
[Fifth Avenue below 24th Street, with Dewey Arch.]
[Victory arch and celebration at Madison Square.]
[Fifth Avenue Washington Square Looking South from Above Washington Arch.]
Jewel Arch, Fifth Ave. & 60th St., Exterior, Looking up Fifth Ave. Showing Arch.
Fifth Avenue Building.
Busy Fifth Avenue, near Dewey Arch