Appellate Court. Madison Ave. and 25th Str. New York.
[Apellate Court on Madison Avenue and 25th Street]
[The Indian Hunter statue.]
["Force" statue, Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
["Wisdom" statue, Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[James Fountain in Union Square.]
[Statue of David Farragut.]
[Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Detail of the Madison Avenue façade of the Appellate Division, New York State Supreme Court, 35 East 25th Street.]
[Girls on the statue of Hans Christian Andersen.]
[The Great God Pan statue.]
[Civic Virtue statue by MacMonnies - Queens.]
[Statue of lioness outside the Morgan Library.]
[Statue of Manhattan.]
[Civic Virtue statue outside of the Quuens Borough Hall.]