[Senator Clark's residence.]
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence
[Interior of Senator William A. Clark's residence. Empty room.]
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence. Interior, drawing room
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Detail of roof.]
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator W. A. Clark residence. Interior, grand staircase
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, library.]
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William H. Clark residence
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, period room, detail of tapestry and frame
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, empty room toward door.]
960 Fifth Avenue. Former site Senator Clark residence
[Detail of mantel in library of former Senator William A. Clark's residence.]
[Isaac Brokaw house.]
[Brokaw mansion, East 79th Street.]