203 West 115th Street. N.Y. Public Library.
103 West 135th Street. N.Y. Public Library, branch.
9 West 124th Street. N.Y. Public Library, branch.
East 125th Street. Strand Theatre, interior.
East 125th Street. Strand Theatre, exterior.
121-27 East 58th Street. N.Y. Public Library.
457 West 40th Street. N.Y. Public Library
305 East 36th Street. N.Y. Public Library, St. Gabriel's Park.
174 East 110th Street. N. Y. Public Library, Aguilar Branch
125th Street and Broadway, N.W. corner. Side elevation to one-story tax payer, 125th Street front.
Riverside Drive and 125th Street N.Y.C.
125th Street. Gas station.
125th Street. Empire City Savings Bank, interior.
West 125th Street. L.M. Blumstein Store.
321 East 140th Street at Alexander Avenue. "Northern Branch" N.Y. Public Library
231 West 125th Street . Empire City Savings Bank.
Interior, Group Children's Sewing Class at N.Y. Public Library, 224 East 125 St.
503 West 145th Street. Hamilton Grange Branch, N.Y. Public Library.
877 Southern Boulevard. N.Y. Public Library