[Community Garden, South Bronx.]
[Windmills in the South Bronx.]
Mikey Nuñez working in the community garden.
Botanical Gardens, the Bronx
View in the Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York
Conservatories (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
The Hemlock Grove (Botanical Garden) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
The West Drive (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Gardens and Museum. Bronx Park.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park New York.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.
The Herbaceous Grounds (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Garden Museum Bronx Park, New York.
Botnical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York.
Bronx River, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, N.Y.
Museum, N. Y. Botanical Gardens, Bronx Park, N. Y.
Botanical Gardens Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
The Museums (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]