[Borden residence.]
[Borden residence, 48 East 68th Street.]
[Detail of the easterly corner of the north wall to 14 East 68th Street.]
47 East 68th Street. Anson M. Beard residence.
43 East 68th Street. Exterior of Frederick Brooks residence.
Maurice residence.
[The residence of Lieutenant Abraham Quackenbush.]
House on 68th Street near Park Avenue.
49 East 68th Street. Havemeyer residence.
[Townhouses at 35, 37 and 39 East 68th Street.]
3 East 64th Street. Mrs. M. Orme ? Wilson [Marshall Orme Wilson residence].
36 East 64th Street. Maurice residence.
41 East 68th Street. Edw. M. Sparrow residence.
5th Avenue and 86th Street. Starr residence.
935 5th Avenue. Mr. S. Reading Berton residence.
12 East 69th Street. Residence.
164-166 East 63rd Street. Dr. George Draper residence (164) and J.J. Magee residence (166).