Ryan Art Gallery, 3 E 67th St
The Gallery
Frick Gallery. Enamel Room doorway from West Gallery.
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. East Gallery doorway 2.
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. East Gallery doorway 1.
East 70th Street and Fifth Avenue. H.C. Frick residence, detail of S.W. corner of art gallery colonnade.
Frick Gallery. Enamel Room.
[Canessa Gallery.]
[Benjamin Altman's private gallery.]
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. Axis view of East Gallery toward Oval Room.
Frick Gallery. Court from entrance passageway.
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. From West Gallery vista through Oval Room to East Gallery.
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. Oval Room arch to East Gallery.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Grand Reopening of the Picture Galleries
Marie Harriman Gallery. Middle gallery.
Frick Gallery, 1 East 70th Street. Vista through East Gallery arch to Oval Room archway.
John Jacob Astor Residence, #840 Fifth Avenue. Art gallery