240 East 62nd Street. Residence
6 East 62nd Street. Sulby residence.
45 East 62nd Street. Apartment building
133 East 62nd Street. R. Mc A. Lloyd (?) residence.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence], 142 East 62nd Street, NYC. Lower garden.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence], 142 East 62nd Street, NYC. Upper garden.
Lexington Avenue, north to East 62nd Street.
38 East 62nd Street. Links Club
315 East 62nd Street. Benito Rovira Cigar Factory.
143 East 62nd Street.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence], 142 East 62nd Street, NYC. Living room sunlighted.
41 East 62nd Street
38 East 62nd Street. Links Club. Entrance
36 East 62nd Street. Links Club.
148 West 62nd Street. General exterior.
Mrs. Oliver James [residence], 133 East 62nd Street, NYC. Living room fireplace.
Mrs. Edgar Leonard [residence], 142 East 62nd Street, N.Y.C. Gallery toward living room door.
East 62nd Street. Links Club, exterior.
Mrs. Oliver James [residence], 133 East 62nd Street, NYC. Detail of built-in bookcase and table.