[Botanical Museum in Bronx Park.]
2084 Bronx Park East
Elevated Station, Entrance to Bronx Park (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Plant Houses and Herbaceous Grounds, Bronx Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Bronx River Falls, Bronx Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Museum, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Gardens and Museum. Bronx Park.
Conservatories (Botanical Gardens) [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park New York.
The Lorillard Mansion, Bronx Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
Botanical Garden Museum Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.
The Conservatory, Bronx Park, New York.
Botanical Museum, Bronx Park, N. Y. City.
The Colonial Gardens, Van Cortlandt Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
[Bronx Park.]
The Music Stand, Bronx Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]