[315 West 42nd Street.]
[121 West 42nd Street.]
[West 42nd Street.]
[Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street.]
[42nd Street, northside, looking west from Madison Avenue.]
West 42d Street [24th Street to 42nd Street]
Weber, Jules Weber, 213 West 42nd Street.
121 West 42nd Street. Adler Shoes
The Corn Exchange Bank. West 42nd St. Branch. 303 West 42nd Street
West 42nd St. [24th Street to 42nd Street]
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Interior, The Showroom.
30 East 42nd Street
[42nd Street, west from Madison Avenue.]
[50 East 42nd Street.]
Kohler Co., 20 West 42nd Street, Exterior, The Window.
West 42nd Street. Cigar store interior
Buildings, 50 East 42nd Street.
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Detail of construction; subway construction at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street.]