[St. Vincent de Paul Church.]
[Free Will Baptist Church.]
Cavanagh's Restaurant, - 260 W. 23rd St., New York.
[South Baptist Church.]
49-51 West 23rd Street. General exterior.
Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church and Y.M.C.A. Building
Street Scenes. Restaurant-Exterior-1905. Cavanagh's-258 West 23rd St.
Proctor's 23rd St. Theatre
Jefferson Building, 119 West 23rd St.
[23rd Street, looking west from Eden Musee.]
[Interior of a gym.]
[4th Avenue and 23rd Street.]
[55 West 23rd Street.]
Twenty-third St. Station, Underground Road, New York.
New 23rd St. Ferry. New York, City.
[23rd Street, looking east from Eden Museum.]
[Advertisement for New York's free public baths.]
23rd Street, New York
[Mount Morris Baptist Church.]