[315 West 98th Street.]
315-317 West 98th Street. Holland Court Apartment House.
[Broadway and West 98th Street. Building under construction.]
258 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. Peter Stuyvesant Apartment House.
Broadway and 98th Street [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
[Squatter settlement at Amsterdam Avnue and 98th Street.]
[Park Avenue between 98th and 99th Street.]
Broadway at the S.E. corner of West 98th Street. Borchardt Apartment House, entrance hall.
Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. The Peter Stuyvesant apartment building, lobby.
Buildings, 315 West 97th St. & 250 Riverside Drive.
[East 98th Street, kitchen interior.]
[315 West 85th Street]
98th St Yard
Ice dealer, License No. 5580, 98th Street and Madison Avenue
98th Street and West End Avenue, S.E. corner. Apartment House, exterior view.
[345 West 88th Street.]
[North from 251 West 95th Street.]
98th Street at the S.E. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house.
303-315 West 96th Street. Allendale Garage