[315 West 98th Street.]
315-317 West 98th Street. Holland Court Apartment House.
258 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. Peter Stuyvesant Apartment House.
[Broadway and West 98th Street. Building under construction.]
Broadway and 98th Street [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
[Squatter settlement at Amsterdam Avnue and 98th Street.]
Broadway at the S.E. corner of West 98th Street. Borchardt Apartment House, entrance hall.
[Park Avenue between 98th and 99th Street.]
Riverside Drive at the corner of West 98th Street. The Peter Stuyvesant apartment building, lobby.
[East 98th Street, kitchen interior.]
Ice dealer, License No. 5580, 98th Street and Madison Avenue
Buildings, 315 West 97th St. & 250 Riverside Drive.
[315 West 85th Street]
98th Street and West End Avenue, S.E. corner. Apartment House, exterior view.
[North from 251 West 95th Street.]
98th St Yard
303-315 West 96th Street. Allendale Garage
98th Street and Park Avenue, "Keep Marcantonio in Congress" poster