[The New York Training School for Teachers.]
[Schoolyard on 120th Street.]
[204 West 120th Street.]
[Synagogue on West 120th Street.]
[204-206 West 120th Street, looking southeast.]
120th St., west from Amsterdam Ave, New York.
[Boys at a street vendor's cart on West 120th Street.]
Horace Mann School, West 120th Street, NYC. Classroom 109 I.
[West 120th Street from 7th Avenue.]
[Rear yards of 204-206 West 120th Street.]
[View from stoop of 204 West 120th Street.]
[Alley next to 204 West 120th Street.]
[Alley between 119th Street and 120th Street.]
[West 120th Street between 7th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue.]
[5th Avenue and 120th Street.]
120th St., east from Seventh Ave, New York.