[South side of 116th Street between Lenox Avenue and 7th Avenue.]
[Synagogue, north side of 116th Street between 7th Avenue and Lenox Avenue.]
[7th Avenue between 116th and 117th, looking east.]
[116th Street and 7th Avenue looking north.]
8th Avenue between 115th and 116th Streets.
[5th Avenue between 116th and 117th Streets.]
Third Avenue and 116th Street [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
[West 120th Street between 7th and 8th Avenue.]
[Pleasant Avenue and 116th Street.]
[116th Street and 5th Avenue.]
[Northwest corner of Pleasant Avenue and 116th Street.]
116th Street, west from Eighth Ave, New York.
[East side of 7th Avenue between 119th Street and 120th Street, looking south.]
East 116th Street. Italian Savings Bank.
Es Tremendo (West side of 3rd Avenue between 116th Street & 117th Street.)
Changing New York [8th Avenue between 116th and 117th Streets.]
[Comfort Station on 116th Street and Park Avenue.]
116th Street and Seventh Avenue. Graham Court Apartment House, courtyard.
[Broadway and 116th Street.]