[Interior of church gym at 124th Street and Morningside Avenue.]
[Old Presbyterian Church, Morningside Drive & 124th Street.]
[27 West 124th Street]
[109 West 124th Street]
[Harlem Branch Library, 124th Street.]
[117 West 124th Street]
[152 East 124th Street]
[167-177 East 124th Street]
[61-63 West 124th Street]
[Northeast corner of 7th Avenue and 124th Street.]
62 West 124th Street. Duchess Apartment House.
[102-104 West 124th Street]
64 West 124th Street. Baroness Apartment House.
[17-19-21 East 124th Street]
East Shoreline of Manhattan 90th Street to 125th Street [West side of Pleasant Avenue between East 123rd and East 124th Streets.]
[Hotel Theresa, 7th Avenue and 124th Street, looking north.]
124th St., east from Broadway, New York.
East Shoreline of Manhattan 90th Street to 125th Street [East side of Pleasant Avenue between East 124th and East 125th Streets, showing the Blue Ridge Coal Yard.]
East Shoreline of Manhattan 90th Street to 125th Street [South side of East 124th Street west of Pleasant Avenue.]