Hudson Street. Western Union Building, detail of base on Hudson Street.
Hudson Street. Western Union Building, detail of entrance.
West Broadway and Worth Street. Box in main hall, Western Union Building.
60 Hudson Street. Western Union Building.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's anteroom.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's anteroom.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's private office.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's private office.
Canal, Varick, and Watt Streets. Holland Plaza Building, detail of entrance lobby.
40 Worth Street. Detail of 220 Church Street entrance.
Worth Street. New York Life Insurance Co., main lobby to offices.
Canal and Varick Street. Holland Plaza Building, main entrance lobby.
Broadway and Dey Street. Detail of twin chutes in Telephone and Telegraph Building.
57-59 Worth Street. Cone Export Co. Building, general view.
158 West Broadway. Standard Supply Co. Building, after alteration.
67 Hudson Street at the corner Jay Street. Hudson Street Hospital.
250 Hudson Street. View looking east at Hudson Street side.
250 Hudson Street and Broome Street, N.E. corner. Holland Tunnel Plaza.