3 Cedar Street. N.Y. Hide and Leather Exchange, view [of] entrance lobby.
1 Cedar Street. Detail of basement stories.
60 Beaver Street. New York Cotton Exchange.
31 South William Street. Rubber Exchange of New York, lounge.
31 South William Street. Rubber Exchange of New York, board room.
Broadway and Cedar Street. Equitable Building. Empire Safe Deposit Vaults, detail of coupon booth.
31 South William Street. Rubber Exchange of New York, board room lounge.
11 Wall Street. New York Stock Exchange
131 Cedar Street. General exterior.
Trinity Place. New York Curb Exchange.
100 Gold Street. Hide and Leather Building
100 Gold Street and Frankfort Street. Hide and Leather Building, entrance.
20 Broad Street. Interior, exhibit hall of the New York Stock Exchange, 3rd floor.
65 Liberty Street. New York Chamber of Commerce, detail of staircase.
Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers Association, detail of W. Nelson Cromwell's bust.
80 Wall Street. New York Burlap and Jute Exchange. Interior
100 Gold Street and Frankfort Street. Hide and Leather Building, hall.
14 Vesey Street. New York County Lawyers [Association], detail of bust of Nelson W. Cromwell.
70 Pine Street. Cities Service Company. Exterior, detail of granite base