130 West 12th Street. The Revere Apartments, general exterior.
Washington Square West near Washington Place. Hotel Holley.
1 Fifth Avenue. Apartments, general exterior.
729-731 Broadway at Waverly Place. General exterior.
62 Washington Mews. General exterior.
42 West 10th Street. Building, general exterior.
Washington Square, general view of square showing monument and arch. [Italian War Commission, June 1917.]
Grove Street and Washington Place, S.E. corner. Sheridan Square, record photo.
42-48 Washington Mews. General exterior.
37 Washington Square West. Celestino Piva residence, interior.
Washington Place at the S.E. corner of Grove Street. General exterior, under construction.
35-36 Washington Square West. The Holley Apartment Hotel.
12 5th Avenue. Apartments, general exterior.
6 Washington Square North. Cross residence, exterior.
View of Washington Square Park looking west from New York University.
Washington Square. New York University building, view from Washington Square arch.
Washington Square. View of Arch. [Italian War Commission, June 1917.]
Washington Place and Grove Street, S.E. corner. View from north side to Grove Street looking S.W. through Washington Place and Sheridan Square, 11:43am.
View from near entrance to Sheridan Square Park on west end looking S.W. down Washington Place and showing block front of south side of Grove Street between Washington Place and 7th Avenue.