Greenway South. Mrs. Hugh Muller residence.
3 Greenway South Slocum. Brown residence.
167 Greenway North. General exterior.
105 Greenway Terrace. F. Erickson residence
To show poor layout of house behind large red house at apex of hill, Greenway North, #13.
Red house at apex of hill, Greenway North,poorly laid out in relation to two roads coming together, #12.
House at juncture of Rockwood Place and Greenway North, #15, F. J. Steiner, architect.
Garden apartments.
Wendover Road running west from Greenway North, #14.
Group of houses, Greenway North and Puritan Avenue, #11.
Continental Avenue. Forestdale apartments, exterior, general view.
108th Street between 66th Road and 66th Avenue. Forestdale Apartments. Entrance.
100 Park Avenue. Apartments, main entrance interior, bronze doors to lobby.
Continental Avenue. Forestdale apartments, view from roof of N.Y. Worlds Fair.
Chateau Apartment. Entrance
823 Park Avenue. Apartment, entrance lobby.