Weather vane, atop former R.R. men's clubhouse, L.I.R.R.
Rendering of houses, possibly Forest Hills, Queens [?].
Forest Hills set. Tennis Club entrance.
West Side Tennis Club.
Forest Hills Inn from Village Green.
Forest Hills. Church in the Gardens, rear.
[Tennis court and housing complex.]
Museum of Modern Art, view of three figures near east end of garden and pig weather vane.
Crayon rendering, Forest Hills Gardens, Group 48.
[Women playing tennis in Jackson Heights.]
[People playing tennis in Jackson Heights.]
370 Park Avenue. Racquet and Tennis club
Forest Hills Gardens Homes, exhibit panel of nine photos.
Park Avenue and 52nd Street. Racquet and Tennis Club, tennis court.
Tennis Tournament. Japanese Relief. View from roof of Community Club House looking toward Chateau Apartments
F.H. Quimby house, tennis court, side view.
Plays, "Weather-Beaten Benson".