West 72nd Street and Central Park West. Majestic Apartments. Lower stories
71st to 72nd Street and Central Park West. Majestic apartments, steel frame.
103 West 72nd Street. Apartment building
West 72nd Street and Central Park West, northwest corner. Dakota Apartments
260 West 72nd Street. Wellwyn Apartments, exterior.
37 West 72nd Street. Sixteen-story apartments.
72nd Street at the N.W. corner of Central Park West. Dakota Apartments.
260 West 72nd Street. Wellwyn Apartments, entrance hall.
Hotel Majestic, Central Park West & 72nd Street.
Hotel Majestic, 72nd St. Central Park West.
215 East 72nd Street. Apartment building.
72nd Street and Central Park West. Perspective, rendering dated 1930, by Chanin Architectural Dept.
111 West 72nd Street. Dentists' Building
134 West 72nd Street. L.J. Phillips and Co., new building.