Testimonial Dinner in Honor of Alexander Olshanetsky. Tendered by Society of Jewish Composers. Hotel Commodore
Thanksgiving Dinner Tendered by Public Theatre Management to Its Cast on Thursday Nov. 29, 1934
Goleme Banquet Tendered to Max Gabel by the Employees of Gabel's 116th Street Theatre
Annual Dinner of the Broadway Association On Its Tenth Anniversary
Banquet Tendered to W. Bro. Holles E. Cooley - By Pacific Lodge No. 233 F. & A.M., Grand Lodge Room - Masonic Temple - New York City - Dec. 15th 1904.
Testimonial Dinner tendered by the Engineers Club to its Treasurer George E. Weed
Dinner, Colgate & Co. 100th Anniversary.
[Solomon Shapiro surrounded by his friends at a dinner party.]
[Dinner, Colgate & Co. 100th Anniversary.]
[The University Club celebration of its 70th anniversary and Elihu Root's 90th birthday and 55th year as a member of the Club.]