Beefsteak Dinner Tendered to the Members of the Yiddish Theatrical Alliance On Its 15th Anniversary by Dr. and Mrs. Elihu Katz, Gottlieb's Rest.
[Hotel Commodore.]
[Isaac Rothblum and Dina Halpern in "Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto".]
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour
[Maurice Schwartz in "Three Generations".]
[Theater still of "The Water Carrier" by Jacob Preger.]
Commodore Hotel.
Hotel Commodore.
[Eliahu Tenenholtz, Maurice Schwartz and Lazar Fried in an unidentified production.]
"Boost New York City". Dinner tendered to Honorable John F. Hylan, Mayor of New York City
Commodore Hotel, Cafe.
[Maurice Schwartz as King Saul in "The Shepherd King".]
Hotel Commodore
[Maurice Schwartz with cast members from "Three Generations".]
[Berta Gersten and Maurice Schwartz in "Yosele the Nightingale".]
"Three Gifts"
[Miriam Kressyn and Maurice Schwartz in "The Brothers Ashkenazi".]
"The Miracle of the Warsaw Ghetto"