[Grand Avenue and 176th Street.]
[Jerome Avenue and 212th Street.]
Looking East from the Moss Estate at 176th St - Jerome Ave.
[Windmill on Sedgwick Avenue and 176th Street.]
333 East 176th Street. Tremont Towers apartment building
Audubon Avenue between 176th and 178th Street. Block front.
[Lee's house, looking south along Montgomery Avenue from about 176th Street.]
East 176th Street at the N.E. corner of Mt. Hope Avenue. Apartment house.
[176th Street looking west from Fort Washington Avenue.]
[Jerome Avenue.]
[Jerome Avenue and Ogden Avenue.]
[Looking west from Southern Boulevard and 176th Street.]
[The Cromwell House near Jerome Avenue, above Central Bridge.]
[Corner of Jerome Avenue and 169th Street, showing Huber property.]