[Underhill Avenue, near Randall Avenue.]
[Noble Avenue and Randall Avenue.]
[Clason Point, Randall Avenue near Sound View Avenue.]
[Randall Avenue near Sound View.]
[Randall and Balton Avenues, Clason Point.]
[Shakespeare Avenue showing Huber property and new subway.]
[214th Street and Paulding Avenue.]
[Rosedale and Story Avenues.]
[Houses under construction, Holland Avenue near the Mace Estate.]
[Beach Avenue.]
[Thieriot Avenue.]
[Noble Avenue looking toward Westcheter Avenue.]
[Beach Avenuel.]
[University Avenue and Andrews Avenue.]
[Taylor Avenue looking from Westchester Avenue.]
[Bergen Avenue and 149th Street.]
[Westchester Avenue and Leland Avenue.]
[Public library on Shakespeare Avenue.]
[Taylor Avenue.]
[Bergen Avenue and 148th Street.]