[Rodman Drake Monument.]
Tomb of Joseph Drake, Drake Park, Bronx.
[Rodman Drake Park, Hunts Point.]
[D. Grant's Tomb ; E.Women walking in park.]
[The grave of Joseph Rodman Drake.]
Park; Riverside Drive, Grant's Tomb, Driving, Soldiers & S. Mon.
Fort Tyron of the Revolution, Morningside Park and Grant's Tomb in the Distance.
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Park, N. Y.
[Grant's Tomb.]
Pelham Bay Park War Memorial [Bronx Victory Memorial.]
Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive, recently completed.
[Prospect Park.]
[A.Equestrian statue in winter ; B. Grant's Tomb in winter ; C. Riverside Park.]
Grant's Tomb, New York City.
Grant's Tomb 1903.
Grant's Tomb
[Obelisk in Central Park.]
[Marshall House on Rodman's Neck.]