[Hunts Point, Coster Street near Spofford Avenue.]
[Old house near Hunts Point Road.]
[Clason Point, Randall Avenue near Sound View Avenue.]
[Hunts Point Road.]
[Hunts Point Mansion.]
[Randall Avenue near Sound View.]
[Manida Street near Spofford Avenue.]
[Rodman Drake Park, Hunts Point.]
[Randall and Balton Avenues, Clason Point.]
[Hunts Point Road and Viele Avenue.]
[Hunts Point Road and Manida Street.]
Whitmark [sp?] Avenue, Hunts Point. Edison Sub Station. Class for women regulators at Hunts Point Station.
[Hunt Mansion Hunts Point.]
[Pearsal Avenue north of Pelham Parkway.]
[Houses under construction, Holland Avenue near the Mace Estate.]
[Old Hunts Point Cemetery.]
[Underhill Avenue, near Randall Avenue.]
[Noble Avenue and Randall Avenue.]
Hunt's Point Development - Lowlands East of Hunt's Pt. Ave.