[Seton Cave.]
[Seton Park.]
[Indian cave, Hunts Point Road.]
[North entrance to cave, Central Park.]
[Entrance to Cave.]
[Entrance to the cave.]
[South entrance to cave, Central Park.]
[Inwood Hill Park-Indian Cave Dwelling.]
The Pirate's Cave
[Cave Dwelling in Part of Aqueduct Feed Tunnel for the Reservoir.]
Central Park [A. Central Park ; B. Cave in Central Park ; C. Rock Bank Bay.]
These caves were the homes of the first inhabitants on Manhattan Island. Inwood Park.
["The Cave Man" theater still.]
The Pirates Cave, Greenwich Village, New York
The Pirates Cave, Don Dickerman in his lair in Sheridan Square
The Turnbull Mansion, Home for Crippled Children, Pelham Bay Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
The Hunter House, Home for Little Mothers, Pelham Bay Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]
The Twin Island House, Jacob Reisse (sic) Society, Pelham Bay Park [Parks of the Bronx, 1904.]