[Cortlandt Avenue.]
662 Cortlandt Avenue. Men in Service, Wm. Hillbrecht.
Park Avenue and 159th Street. Engine House Number 71.
Brook Avenue and Third Avenue. Magistrates court, 6th District
[Sixth Avenue El, Cortlandt Street.]
East 148th Street and Courtlandt Avenue. Provident Loan Society of New York.
162nd Street and Morris Avenue. Branch Library
East 156th Street and Brook Avenue. Kingan Provision Company. Interior, refrigerator room
6065 Broadway opposite Van Cortlandt Park. Keen Apartment House.
Melrose Avenue at the corner of East 160th Street. General exterior.
2056-2062 Davidson Avenue north of Burnside Avenue. General exterior.
[149 Bergen Avenue.]
New Bronx Theatre.
Bronx Parks East and Brady Avenue. Apartments.
Fulton Avenue and 169th Street. House.
A.C.W. S.W. Cor. Van Cortlandt Dr & Orloff Ave. N.Y.C.
Hoe Avenue and 167th Street. Parochial School.
Prospect Avenue and Macy Place. Prospect Avenue M.E. Church.
1485 Nelson Avenue. Apartment building