[176th Street looking west from Broadway.]
[Southern Boulevard and 163rd Street.]
[176th Street looking west from Fort Washington Avenue.]
[Southern Boulevard at 163rd Street.]
[Southern Blvd. and 178th Street.]
[176th Street, juvenile asylum.]
[Windmill on Sedgwick Avenue and 176th Street.]
[Southern Boulevard between 163rd Street and Westchester Avenue.]
[Lewis G. Morris stable looking north east from Montgomery Avenue between 176th and 177th Streets.]
[Southern Boulevard and Elsmere Place, looking northwest.]
[Broadway looking south from 176th Street, the Hood Wright Estate.]
[Southern Blvd and 163rd Street.]
Southern Boulevard, south to 149th Street.
Audubon Avenue between 176th and 178th Street. Block front.
Looking East from the Moss Estate at 176th St - Jerome Ave.
333 East 176th Street. Tremont Towers apartment building
[Southwest corrner of Southern Blvd. and 163rd Street.]
[Southern Blvd. near 163rd Street.]
[Looking south from Westchester Avenue to Southern Boulevard.]