[Loring Place.]
["Woodlawn", E & F Ludlow's house on Classon Point and Fteley Avenue.]
[Townsend Poole Cottage.]
[McGraw Avenue and Beach Avenue.]
[Morris Park Avenue looking from Tremont Avenue.]
[South along University Place from Brandt Place.]
[Apartment house at 1820 to 1830 Loring Place.]
[South Boulevard and 174th Street.]
[Loring Place looking north from Burnside Avenue.]
[Old house near Hunts Point Road.]
[South Oak Drive.]
[Hunts Point Road and Viele Avenue.]
[East Tremont and Morris Park Avenue.]
[Looking north on Loring Place from Burnside Avenue.]
[Spuyten Duyvil Parkway from Dash Estate lots.]
[Public School 26.]
[Morris Park.]
[Moss Estate.]
[New York University Library.]
[New York University, Bronx campus.]