[Coney Island, view from Steeplechase.]
[Coney Island, View from the Ocean.]
Helter-Skelter, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
Helter Skelter, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
Helter Skelter Slide, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
[Coney Island.]
Hotel Belmont.
Hotel Belmont, New York, N.Y.
Luna Park.
Waldorf - Astoria - finest hotel in the world.
First Avenue [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
Hotel Shelburne, Coney Island.
Brighton Beach Hotel, Coney Island, N. Y.
[People wading in the ocean at Coney Island beach.]
Ellis Island. New York Harbor.
[Mechanics Bank.]
[People playing in the ocean at Coney Island beach.]
Manhattan Beach Hotel, Coney Island.
Grant's Tomb and Claremont Hotel, Riverside Drive, New York.