1 Wall Street. Irving Trust Building. Elevated view from Church Street
14 Wall Street. Commercial building [Bankers Trust Company Building.]
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, view of entrance.
1 Wall Street. Irving Trust Company with Trinity Church steeple in foreground
Irving Trust Company Building, 1 Wall Street
Irving Trust Company Building, One Wall Street
1 Wall Street. Detail main entrance on Wall Street.
Irving Trust Company Building - Broadway and Wall Steet
Broadway and Wall Street. Astor Memorial, churchyard cross, Trinity Churchyard.
Wall Street. Trinity Churchyard. Astor Memorial Cross.
Irving Trust Company Building, Broadway and Wall Street, New York City.
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, general view of new bank and front entrance.
Wall Street corner Nassau Street. Gillender Building.
44 Wall Street. Manufacturers Trust Co., bank and office building, detail of bank entrance.
Irving Trust Company Building, One Wall Street [Variant]