Church of the Most Precious Blood. Bay.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Chancel.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Tower detail.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Chancel detail.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. General interior.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Fixture detail #2.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Entrance gable detail.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Exterior from right.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Detail of lighting fixture.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Detail of perpetual lamp.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. General exterior from left.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. General exterior from right.
Church of the Most Precious Blood. Detail of tower from rear.
[Church of St. Ignatius Loyola.]
Montrose Avenue. Most Holy Trinity Church. General exterior.
West 49th Street. St. Malachy's Roman Catholic Church.
East 117th Street. St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church.
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church.
Madison Avenue at the corner of 129th Street. All Saints Roman Catholic Church, façade.