[Anti-war demonstration in Grand Central Terminal.]
[Stokely Carmichael speaking at an anti-war demonstration outside U. N.]
[Anti-war demonstration.]
Anti-Vietnam-War Demonstration, New York, 1970
[Beat the draft in schools deferment.]
Emergency Demonstration
[Anti-war "Love-lee", Sheeps Meadow, Central Park.]
Pro-Vietnam-War Demonstration, New York, 1970
You Can Say No! To the Draft, to the War in Vietnam
The Only Answer to the Vietnam War
[Anti-war artwork.]
[Antiwar walkout.]
Support Our GIs Demonstrate April 5
Student Mobilization Committee Statement of Aims
The Student Mobilization Committee
Vietnam: What's Happening?
Announcing... City-Wide Referendum on U.S. Withdrawal from Vietnam
For Submission to the Electors of the City of New York at the General Election to be Held November 7, 1967, of a Local Law to Amend the City Charter