[Canal Street subway.]
[Construction of the 14th Street subway.]
[Subway construction.]
105 E. Houston Street. Russian Orthodox Cathedral. General interior.
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 32nd Street.
[Constructing the subway, Queens.]
[Canal Street subway station.]
107 East Houston Street. St. Augustine Chapel, Trinity Parish.
[Ludlow Street façade of Katz's Delicatessen, 205 East Houston Street.]
"The Barracks" -- Mott Street between Bleeker and Houston.
Allen & Houston St
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 14th Street.
6th Aveune Subway Construction, 30th Street.
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 17th Street.
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 15th Street.
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 26th Street.