750 3rd Avenue Between 46th and 47th Street. [Construction view], Measuring and Lining Up Frames Before Tightening Bolts
[Placing side ring "upper half".]
[Digging Shaft, Summit, Pa.]
[Holland Tunnel.]
[Construction site on West Side.]
[Construction of large main on High Bridge.]
Workmen Laying the Concrete Pavement in New York City
[World Trade Center construction site.]
[Construction of 52 Vanderbilt Avenue.]
[Construction in Union Square.]
750 3rd Avenue Between 46th and 47th Street. [Construction view], Bolting Uprights to Building Frame
[Contruction in Union Square.]
[Construction of the Empire State Building.]
[Construction of the Seamen's Church Institute.]
[Construction site.]
[World Trade Center under construction.]
YMCA Railroad Branch.
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Subway construction.]
750 3rd Avenue Between 46th and 47th Street. [Construction view], Putting Bolts Into Place Between Frame and Uprights