Encroachment of a City
Plan of the City of New York with the recent and intended improvements. Drawn from actual survey by William Bridges, City Surveyor, A.D. 1807.
Futuramic City
[Pearsal Avenue north of Pelham Parkway.]
It Was a Long Time Coming, but Here it is at Last.
[Shelter for delinquent boys.]
[New York aqueduct reservoir.]
New York to New Rochelle Christopher Colles's Survey of U. S. Roads 1789.
Facsimile of an Original Map of the City of New York Made in 1728 From Actual Survey.
First sketch of a transverse road drawn by Louis A. Risse as visioned by him in the conception of the original planning of the Grand Boulevard and Concourse 1892
[Triangulation of Greater New York.]
A Plan of the Water Lots in the Out Ward in the City of New York which were ordered to be granted the 23rd July 1772
[George Grizzard as Jack Barnstable in "The Shock of Recognition".]
[Badge in the shape of a shield.]
[Hunts Point, Casanova Avenue near Oakwood Avenue.]
[Rosedale and Story Avenues.]
[Topographical Bureau.]
[Noble Avenue and Randall Avenue.]
Triboro Bridge Authority.
And You Know What Kind of Job He Will Do.