[Public works.]
[Public Works Emergency Department.]
[Public Works.]
[Civil defense, Public Works.]
[Public Works Emergency Division exhibit.]
[Exhibit for the Public Works Emergency Division.]
Charities, Department of Public Charities, Employees.
[Department of Street Improvements.]
City of New York, Department of Public Parks
City of New York. Department of Public Parks
[Woman working on map.]
The General Committee of the United War Work Campaign
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
Gansevoort Street. Gansevoort Market Meat Center, New York City Department of Public Works, Department of markets, architectural drawing by A.F. Stokes.
[Unidentified sculpture.]
18 East 48th Street. Harlem Hospital Nurses Residence and School, with Department of Public Works.
The Emancipator of Labor and the Honest Working-People