[Mrs. John A. Zerega's drawing room.]
[Mrs. John A. Zerega's dining room.]
[White and Gold Drawing Room of the Ogden L. Mills house.]
[Possibly 1007] 5th Avenue. [William A.] Hall Residence, drawing room.
[Drawing room in the Griswold residence.]
667 Madison Avenue. William A. DuBois apartment, drawing room.
[Interiors, Mrs. L.C. Simpson, Drawing Room.]
[Unidentified drawing room.]
[Interiors, Mrs. R.E. Schroeder, Drawing Room.]
[Original drawing room in the PIerrepont House.]
Interiors-Drawing Room.
123 East 73rd Street. R.B. Potter residence, drawing room.
Mrs. E. F. Hutton. Drawing room
[Drawing Room, Dr. Crummins.]
[Sketch of a young woman entering a room]
15 East 84th Street. A. Lanfear Norrie house, view of drawing room.
John Jacob Astor Residence, #840 Fifth Avenue. Drawing room