[Diana Nyad swimming around Manhattan Island.]
[A one woman Circle-Line.]
[East River looking toward Randall's a& Ward's Islands.]
1609. The Island of Manhattan (Mannahatin)
[View of Manhattan from Brooklyn]
Hell Gate, From Great Barn Island
[Looking southwest over the East River from Roosevelt Island toward Manhattan's Upper East Side.]
1783. Manhattan Island at the Close of the Revolution
[East River view.]
Blackwells Island, East River.
[East River and Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan]
East River
View of the City of New York from Long Island
View of Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, with Manhattan side in foreground.
[Manhattan skyline from the Hudson River.]
Manhattan Bridge. East River, near Canal Street. Construction in 1909. The towers are 336 feet high. Length of bridge 8,655 feet.
[East River from foot of 87th Street.]