[W. Burch Wheelmen's Clubhouse.]
[Outing of the Williamsburgh Wheelmen, Dexter Park.]
[Riverside Wheelmen bicycle club.]
[A. Group portrait with C. W. Hadley at left in front row ; B. Group with bicycle, C. W. Hadley in center with arms crossed.]
[The Riverside Wheelmen.]
Entrance to Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y.
[King's County Wheelmaens Club.]
Terrace Bridge and Maryland Monument, Prospect Park.
Cycle Path on Ocean Boulevard, Brooklyn.
[Group portrait with bicycles.]
[Mr. F. M. Cossitt, captain of the Riverside Wheelmen.]
Street Scenes, Long Island City.
[New York Skating Club.]
Summer Resorts, Southampton, Long Island, Sailing.
[Complimentary dinner to N. M. Beckwith.]
[Boys outside of Long Island Hobby Shop.]
[Boys and men outside of Long Island Hobby Shop.]
An Accident to a Bicyclist--Coney Island.
Coney Island, General Views.