[Long Island Wheelmen.]
[W. Burch Wheelmen's Clubhouse.]
[Riverside Wheelmen bicycle club.]
[The Riverside Wheelmen.]
[A. Group portrait with C. W. Hadley at left in front row ; B. Group with bicycle, C. W. Hadley in center with arms crossed.]
Williamsburgh Wheelmen
[Mr. F. M. Cossitt, captain of the Riverside Wheelmen.]
[Group portrait with bicycles.]
[New York Skating Club.]
[The first police bicycle squad.]
[Complimentary dinner to N. M. Beckwith.]
The Darktown Bicycle Club - Knocked Out.
Francisco Cuevas, Custom Bicycle Maker, 14th St, Astoria 1983
96th Street at the N.E. corner of 86th Road. Wellington Arms.
[John Heppold.]
Section of Fourth Avenue Showing Parked Section in Middle of Highway.
Jolly Nellie McHenry & Company. "The Bicycle Girl."
Theatre--Follies Girls on an Outing
Parks - Central Park 1895 The Drive.