[Williamsburgh Savings Bank, 175 Broadway.]
539 Eastern Parkway. Kings County Savings Bank.
Atlantic Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Williamsburgh Savings Bank
539 Eastern Parkway and Nostrand Avenue. Kings County Savings Bank branch.
[Williamsburgh Savings Bank, 175 Broadway. Detail of dome.]
Fulton Street and Dekalb Avenue. Dime Savings Bank
[Looking east on Broadway from Bedford Avenue and South 6th Street.]
5012 Church Avenue. Greenpoint Savings Bank. Interior
[Bedford Avenue façade of 138 Broadway.]
Kings County Wheelmen
Banks, Broadway Savings Bank.
Brooklyn Savings Bank.
De Kalb Avenue and Fulton Street. Dime Savings Bank, general exterior.
86th Street and 19th Avenue. Dime Savings Bank, front entrance
Brooklyn Savings Bank
[Hall 172, Kings County Penitentiary.]