[The Tombs and the Criminal Court Building.]
[Criminal Court.]
[Criminal Court Building, entrance to tombs on 1M floor.]
[Corner of Franklin and Centre Street. Criminal Courts Building.]
[City Hall and Municipal Building.]
[Criminal Court Building, staircase.]
[Broome and Centre Street, former Police Headquarters Building.]
Criminal Court Building, Centre St., New-York.
The Bridge of Sighs connecting the Tombs and Criminal Court Building, Centre St., New York.
[Criminal Court Building, entrance from Lafayette Street.]
[Criminal Courts Building, main floor, general session.]
[Criminal Court Building, general sessions court room, 2nd floor.]
[Criminal Court Building, skylight floor (rotunda).]
[Criminal Courts Building, bridge on 3rd floor.]
[Criminal Courts Building, 6th floor courtroom east.]
[Police Headquarters, Broome and Centre Street.]
Criminal Court Building, Franklin & Centre Streets, 1903
[Criminal Court Building, third floor, part of judge's library.]
[Criminal Court House, view on floor 1MF showing gate from tombs, partially open.]