[Hayden Planetarium.]
[Model of Saturn in Hayden Planetarium.]
[Model of Jupiter in Hayden Planetarium.]
[Model of Mars in Hayden Planetarium.]
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior, planetarium with staff members super-imposed
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Exterior
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium, Dr. Clyde Fisher, head of Hayden Planetarium, at control board with crowd of spectators around
[200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Exterior.]
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Staff member at work
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Staff members at work
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium, Hall of the Sun
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior, view on 2nd floor toward contrail images
Hayden Planetarium, 81st Street and Central Park West, New York City
[200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior, close-up of Zeiss Projection instrument.]
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior, close-up of Zeiss Projection instrument
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior view at ticket window, buying first ticket
200 Central Park West. American Museum of Natural History. Hayden Planetarium. Interior, view on 2nd floor toward triptych of solar eclipses